Saturday, September 11, 2010

Potato Cake, Eggs & Salsa Verde

Potato Cake, Eggs & Salsa Verde

These potato cakes are great for breakfast! But you can have them anytime and top them with a variety of toppings. I enjoy these for breakfast and are easy to make! If you don't like sunny side up eggs, you can top them with poached, scrambled or any style egg you like.

3 large Buttery Gold potatoes
4 1/2 tablespoons of butter
6 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
Salsa Verde (any brand) (optional)

Wash and Peel the potatoes. Slice thinly and cut the slices into very fine strips.

Press the potato strips well so that all the water oozes out (try sandwiching the strips between two boards, using a light book to weigh down the top one.)

Form the potato strips into 3 little cakes. Now sauté' them each separately at a time in a tablespoon of butter, in a frying pan that is, ideally, the same size as the cake, if not much bigger, in order to keep the cakes shape, no thicker than 3/4". A non-stick sauté pan, approximately 6"'s would be great. If you do not have a small sauté pan, you can use a large pan and cut the pancake in 3 or 4 smaller pieces if you desire. Just be careful, not to burn yourself, when flipping the pancake on to a plate. Sliding back into the pan is easy.

Cook for 5 minutes. Once the potatoes have been pressed down into the frying pan, leave them to cook for 5 minutes so that they go golden . You notice the edges turning a golden brown.

Turn the potato cake over. This isn't like flipping a pancake, because the potato cake is too crumbly. You need to tip it out onto a plate, put another plate over the top and turn the plates over.

Before sliding the potato cake back into the sauté pan. Add a 1/2 tablespoon butter to the pan, then slide the potato cake back into the pan so that the uncooked side is on the bottom. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Serve. Now that both sides are cooked, the potato cake is ready to serve. First lay the potato cake down on a plate, egg(s) and last salsa. For a variation you can top with anything you desire. Cheese, Pico de Gallo, Bacon, etc... Enjoy!

Servings:  3

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